Great SCA Class in Vancouver

I just finished a terrific session of the Sage Consulting Academy in Vancouver today. While I always find teaching this class invigorating, this session was notable for a few reasons.

Sage Academy Jul 23-26

First, the majority of folks who were attending were originally there under, errr, duress. In other words, they needed to maintain their certification. While it was a bit rough going at first, to everyone’s credit, by the end of the week they had truly bonded as a and were very open to new ideas and even excited about the possibilities for the future.

Second, one member of the class, José A. Lomelí, is from Mexico and has already translated some of the documents from the class into Spanish. He planned on using one of them today during a phone meeting scheduled for after class. For example, this is the Change Request.


Third, many have agreed that they have adopted the goal of killing their timesheets in the firms. This, of course, is music to my ears.

My thanks to them for a fun and fruitful week!